My Version 2

Lallitha G N
2 min readJan 20, 2021

“I am 50 years young”. This is the phrase I loved all through my life because at 50 year most of us will be free of main responsibilities, start our retired life and can concentrate on certain ambitions / desires / giving back to society /helping the needy / spirituality etc. that we have suppressed due to other family and job responsibilities.

To fulfill my desires, I switched over from traditional marketing to Digital Marketing. It was couple of years back that the whole world was going through pandemic, COVID 19 due to corona virus. When most of the countries were shout down to contain the spread of virus, we were forced to work from home. Then I discovered Digital Deepak startup which was kind enough to give internship for learning Digital Marketing. We could earn while studying. It was a boon for many people like me who had lost their jobs due to economic crisis from lock down. Soon I mastered few Digital Marketing Techniques and started earning. My expertise is in Lead generation, SEO, Google Ads, content marketing, digital market research and landing page. Initially I chose to be a freelancer and had started helping few startups because startups do not have sufficient resources to employ marketing professionals and they lack tools and techniques for reaching out to target audience. I learnt to collect, analyze and interpret data to boost their businesses. I understood their target markets and interpreted their strategies with digital marketing effectively. I implemented all my expertise for foreign companies /startups too because I realized it is easier to get good payments without GST hindrance. Later I became a consultant. As soon as my earning reached 2 lakhs per month, it was time to inspire and start helping others.

Now, I have a team of more 20 people who require empowerment, mostly senior citizens 50 years young, women and unemployed youth. They are mainly alumni of Digital Deepak Digital Marketing internship. They are working as freelancers for the time being and after gaining expertise will start their own companies or become consultants. I pickup people who are able to change their mind set to achieve their goals like the way I changed and adapted myself to be a new person by Digital Deepak’s achievement motivation training during the internship programme. They are mostly getting payments in foreign currencies and are quiet contented.

My present status has brought me immense peace and happiness that I was able to contribute to the society like the way I wanted after my graduation. I feel 20 years younger because of the great pleasure I get when I see my team mates excel and this has renewed my enthusiasm to serve society more by re-using all my resources. I still have that burning desire to earn for myself and empower others to make them self reliant instead of depending upon their children and spouses for financial needs.

This is a version 2 of myself written as an assignment submitted to Digital Deepak Online Internship programme.

